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The secret to making computer-generated content more human

The secret to making computer-generated content more human

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard all the noise about how ChatGPT is revolutionizing the industry. If you have been living under a rock, then we’re glad you’ve decided to come out.

Yes, ChatGPT — the new kid in town everyone’s talking about — is pretty mind-blowing in itself. It’s a powerful time-saving tool healthcare marketers can use to get the ball rolling on content generation.

But to be honest, ChatGPT is not the end-all-be-all of healthcare marketing. It doesn’t replace a human’s expertise and creativity. It still needs brand-savvy editors with an eye for accuracy to make sure your content is on point.

Here are four reasons why editors are still needed:

ChatGPT data is not entirely current. We’re not saying ChatGPT is living in the past here, but it’s not exactly up to speed on the latest and greatest, either. Its data hasn’t kept up with any developments past September 2021.
This means you -– a human editor — are needed to research the latest healthcare trends, current events, and other real-time information that’s publicly available to keep your content fresh and up to date.

Content has to be vetted for accuracy. ChatGPT produces well-constructed responses, but that doesn’t mean it’s fully accurate — and certainly not perfect.
Since ChatGPT has been fed millions of data points by all kinds of authors, it’s possible that some information may be flawed or influenced by personal bias.
But don’t be scared off just yet. ChatGPT can still be make your life considerably easier. As healthcare marketers, you’ll need to verify that any content generated by ChatGPT is reliable — with legitimate sources to back it up.

It doesn’t know your brand. Every brand has a unique voice and style to follow, which must be consistent across all channels.
ChatGPT may know how to sound smart, but it doesn’t have a clue about your healthcare system’s personality. For example, if your brand has a voice and tone that is bold or relaxed, ChatGPT doesn’t know that. It might generate content that is generic and formal — and not resonate with your audience at all.
That’s where a human editor comes in — one who can take that generated content and give it the additional pizazz needed to ensure your brand’s voice shines through.
A savvy editor can also feed ChatGPT relevant brand guidelines to help steer it closer to your tone and voice. But — as with any content — the editor will need to continue to hone and refine ChatGPT’s output, just as they would with a writer.

You can give it that human touch. Remember that ChatGPT is only a machine. It has no human experiences, thoughts, or emotions. Its data can coherently string words together to make it sound human, but it might not understand what those words actually mean. It’s only trained to know how to use them.
In addition, ChatGPT can lack empathy, creativity, and feeling. That’s why actual human beings are needed for healthcare content writing. You are the only one capable of writing and editing content that’s relatable and engaging for your targeted audience.

What about using it for clinical trials?

Yes, ChatGPT is helpful in designing and conducting clinical trials.

For example, it can save time by generating information to use in recruiting and matching potential participants to specific trials based on their medical history, symptoms, or other eligibility criteria. It can also be helpful when drafting consent forms and follow-up communication or answering common questions.

But again — though it’s a good start — content generated by ChatGPT must be verified and tailored to your hospital’s clinical guidelines and brand voice.

Give it that extra sparkle

You can’t deny it: AI and machine learning are changing the world as we know it — the way we work, use technology, and more are all shifting. And this is just the beginning. While we learn how to harness artificial intelligence to its full potential, editors will continue to be an essential cog in your content strategy machine.

The people who are best at being human are humans. But these advances in technologies are helping marketers get messages to the people they serve faster and more consistently.

In a world where ChatGPT can create content in the blink of an eye, only real human beings can make your content shine and stand out from the rest.

Want to learn more about the impact of AI and machine learning in healthcare? Read about it on our blog.

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