St. Luke’s Health
Creative Campaign
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Primary care flu kit
A focus on flu.
The details: According to the CDC, influenza is one of the leading causes of hospitalizations amongst school-aged children out of vaccine-preventable diseases. Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Group (BSLMG), a network of more than 250 multidisciplinary healthcare providers located throughout the Greater Houston area, wanted to help stop the spread of the flu while encouraging children and their families to take preventive actions.
The goal: We were tasked with creating an engaging way to bring brand awareness and drive traffic to BSLMG’s primary care offices, whether to get a vaccine or seek care for illness.

Thinking outside of the box.
Based upon client objectives of driving awareness of the brand and encouraging members of the community to schedule appointments for vaccinations, we developed physical deliverables to share with 15 different elementary and middle schools throughout the Greater Houston area. We chose elementary and middle schools, as they are hotbeds for viruses like the flu.
Every school received two kits. Each kit included 10 bottles of hand sanitizer, five boxes of tissues, two posters explaining the difference between the common cold and the flu and how to keep healthy, and one flyer with similar information on how faculty members can keep the school healthy. All items were branded with the BSLMG logo, whether on stickers or tags or printed directly on the product. These kits were delivered to school nurses and were distributed to be used throughout the school.

Preventing the flu, and caring for you.
We created our Primary Care Flu Kits to convey the idea that BSLMG is an expert in flu care and prevention. To highlight their expertise, the contents of the boxes focused on promoting health and flu prevention, from the hand sanitizer to the educational collateral. Because the posters would be in view of younger children, we used simple language and understandable graphics in an easy-to-follow flow chart design.
Every item was selected for its effectiveness at preventing the flu, treating the symptoms of the flu, or sharing information about the flu. Placing the brand’s logo in prominent locations on these products would help consumers connect the BSLMG brand with healing. Meanwhile, giving these products out for free highlighted BSLMG’s mission of creating a healthier community.
We chose to use iconography rather than photography to offer a more appealing, kid-friendly look. This allowed us to avoid using realistic imagery that might be a little gross. It also created a visual connection from previous primary care campaigns. It served as an extension of our “One-Stop Doc” campaign that ran during the same time, which focused on the idea that our PCPs have the capability to treat a variety of conditions and offer a wide range of services.
Each set of boxes was sent with a note to the school nurse. The note read:
Dear [School Nurse],
I hope this note finds you and your students happy and healthy. In an effort to reduce colds and flu at school, we’ve sent some educational information as well as hand sanitizer and tissues. Please let me know if I can ever be a resource for you. You may reach me any time on the number below.
Dr. Sam Rolon
Adding a specific doctor’s name on the note gave it a more human quality and gave the nurses a contact to reach out to if they had questions.

These results are nothing to sneeze at.
Over the course of this campaign, we saw:
kits reach schools throughout Houston
students reached
ounces of hand sanitizer shared
increase in YOY patient volumes
Healthcare Advertising Awards - Other - Merit Award